Sunday, October 18, 2015

Photosynthesis Lab

Click here for the link to the lab

Why Leaves Change Color:
Leaves color because of the change in temperature and the amount of light available to the trees. As fall comes we get less hours of sunlight throughout the day. When there is less sunlight, the energy needed to produce chlorophyll (the primary pigment or light collector) is greater then the energy chlorophyll is producing. Therefore chlorophyll becomes inefficient and the plant stops making chlorophyll. When we no longer have a large amount of chlorophyll in the leaves the other pigments will be displayed in the leaves.

To learn more you can watch the following videos:

Why do leaves change color?  Gives some background + answer. WOULD RECOMMEND (3 minutes)

Different Pigments   (3 and a half minutes)

What weather conditions produce, which leave colors (1.5 minutes)

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